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[Discussion] Perkembangan Implementasi Penyiaran TV Digital DVB-T2 di Indonesia
DVB-T2 adalah singkatan untuk "Digital Video Broadcasting, Second Generation Terrestrial" yang merupakan ekstensi/generasi lanjutan dari standar televisi DVB-T, yang dikeluarkan oleh konsorsium DVB, dirancang untuk transmisi siaran televisi digital terrestrial. DVB telah distandarisasi oleh ETSI (The European Telecommunications Standards Institute) dan CENELEC (French: Comité Européen de Normalisation Électrotechnique; English: European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization)

How DVB standards are developed ?
Each DVB standard starts its life in the Commercial Module. Based on the needs of the market, the Commercial Module and its Working Groups draw up a set of Commercial Requirements (CR) that outline the market parameters such as user functions, timescales and price range. Once consensus on the CRs is reached in the Commercial Module, they are put forward to the Technical Module.

A DVB specification is developed in the Technical Module and its Working Groups. Here the technological implications of the user requirements are examined and available technologies are explored. Once the Technical Module reaches consensus on the resulting specification, and the Commercial Module’s support for the it has been ensured, the specification is put forward to the Steering Board.

The Steering Board gives the final approval of the specification. It is then offered for standardisation to the relevant international standards body (i.e. ETSI or CENELEC) through the EBU/ETSI/CENELEC Joint Technical Committee.

DVB’s Intellectual Property Rights Module provides the Members with a platform to seek out solutions to any intellectual property rights issues that may arise in relation to the DVB specifications and the Promotions & Communications Module coordinates the flow of information regarding DVB specifications to all parts of the world.

Negara-negara yang telah mengadopsi tv digital terrestrial (DVB-T/T2) baru-baru ini dapat menggunakan sistem tunggal berbasis MPEG4 untuk SD dan HD, sementara negara-negara lain dengan sistem yang telah lama stabil/established cukup dengan menggunakan MPEG2 untuk SD dan MPEG4 untuk HD. Ada juga variasi dalam penggunaan "middleware". Misalnya Italia, Irlandia dan Inggris yang merupakan wilayah/negara dengan standard DVB-T/T2, tapi Irlandia menggunakan "MPEG4 + MHEG5 + DVB-T" untuk transmisi SD dan HD, sedangkan Inggris menggunakan "MPEG2 + MHEG5 + DVB-T" untuk SD dan "MPEG4 + MHEG5 + DVB-T2" untuk HDTV, dan Italia menggunakan "MHP ( Multimedia Home Platform) + DVB-T" untuk SD dan HD.

Multimedia Home Platform (DVB-MHP) is an open middleware system standard designed by the DVB project for interactive digital television. The MHP enables the reception and execution of interactive, Java-based applications on a TV-set. Interactive TV applications can be delivered over the broadcast channel, together with audio and video streams. These applications can be for example information services, games, interactive voting, e-mail, SMS or shopping. MHP applications can use an additional return channel that has to support IP.

Official site DVB :

Sumber gambar/presentasi : DR. ISMAIL, M.T. (Kementerian Kominfo RI)
Diubah oleh mhputra23 19-07-2014 11:03
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